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Photo Contest

March 29, 2016


As you may have seen on my Facebook page the last couple of weeks, the annual Shoot & Share contest has been going on. It’s always so intriguing (and addicting) to go through the voting process and looking at such beautiful photos as they get narrowed down better and better every week! |
The top 100 photos were released on Friday, and I am honoured to say I have 8 images that placed that high!! So excited to see the remainder of my photos’ rankings which will be released tonight!! Makes me even more excited to see what’s in store for this wedding season and enter some brand new couples into this next year!!

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Lisa walking down the aisle with dad was 3,155th of 11,652 images in the “Just The Bride” category.
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Lisa’s bouquet places 1,488th of 6,074 Cake, Flowers & Decor shots
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Genny & Doug’s winter engagement made 3,048th of 21,049 engagement photos
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Love Genny’s halo engagement ring? So did the voters as it hit 1,301st out of all  6,514 ring shots!
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Lisa + Brennan hit the ranks again becoming 898th out of 7,918 photos in the Emotion & Excitement category!
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So excited Amanda’s gold halo was 567th among 6,514 ring photos!
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Brennan’s slick leather shoes were 336th of 5,385 photos in the All Dressed Up category.
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Last but certainly not least, Bethany’s beauty ranks 437th out of 6,514 ring shots!

  1. Aww yay!! Congratulations for your images!!

  2. so awesome! Congrats! All of your images are beautiful!!

  3. Congratulations on your success this year!!

  4. Congrats!!!! I love these :)

  5. So fun! Congrats on placing in the Top 100!!

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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