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Tuesdays Together

March 8, 2016


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I had been following along with the Rising Tide Society for a while now, hoping that a Tuesdays Together group would soon come to Ottawa. I pondered developing the group myself, becoming a leader, but I didn’t have the courage; although I wish I did. Someone else did though, not long after I abandoned the idea. Tracey has courage.

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Tuesdays Together and the Rising Tide Society is a community of wedding creatives, entrepreneurs, who developed the new stigma of “community over competition.” Many who aren’t in our industry aren’t aware of how cut-throat it often is, comparing yourself to others and putting down “your competitors” because it will somehow raise you higher. Except it doesn’t. Our motto is a rising ride raises all ships.

Tuesdays Together is about getting rid of that stigma, meeting together the second Tuesday of every month to discuss and help each other out with common business needs. Today marks Ottawa’s second meeting ever. Even if we never accomplish anything, only my fellow solo-preneurs will know how I feel when I say it’s just nice to chat with people. It gets so lonely working for and only with yourself!!

Can’t wait to see where this group takes everyone! If you are a wedding industry creative in Ottawa, definitely look into joining our group!

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  1. So great that you're apart of this!!!

  2. Love it and love tuesdays together!!

  3. Ivory Door says:

    So glad you have a fabulous new community in ottowa to connect with! Rising Tide rocks!

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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