2014 09 27 17. 42. 41


Introducing Max

October 9, 2014


Img 1217Earlier today, while I was out working for the pool company,
I got a text message from Nicole. “This is going to sound weird, but do you want to guest blog for me? I can’t write about me well, so maybe you can.” So here I am, ten hours later writing my first ever blog post.
First of all, lets get something clear. I don’t refer to
Nicole as “Nicole.” She goes by the nickname Nikki around her friends and
family. Only my dad still calls her Nicole in English, and my side of the
family when we speak french. Let’s be honest, Nicole in french is so much cuter
than NiCOLE in english.
So who is this pretentious guy saying I this or my that? Hi,
I’m Max. You probably know me in this blog as “the boyfriend.” If you’ve been
keeping up to date with her blog, I am the one who proudly coined the term “BLOGMERGENCY” last week, after proofing a recent blog post.

10685321 10154509534020251 1143705251 nAs we were winterizing pools throughout the day, I thought
of three things you should know when it comes to the photographer you are
hopefully dreaming of hiring. One of Nikki’s best traits is the willingness to
try new things. My mom is a foodie, Nikki never had the pleasure of eating many
foods that sound weird but are actually amazing.  The ONLY thing she has refused to try with my
mom is smoked salmon.

Nikki cannot and will never ever let me go to sleep if we’ve
had a rocky day until she knows everything is forgiven. She is the most loving,
loyal person I know. She cannot bare saying goodnight with either one of us mad at each other. In my defense, I am very
much the “let me sleep on it, I can’t think straight when I’m tired, everything
is always forgiven by sunrise” type. We could have the worst of fights but I
will always be a friend again by morning. Nikki does not give up on somebody
she loves, let me tell you that much. I’ve tried to fix things my way many
times but never got to that point. She is very persistent and always finishes
what she starts, no matter how tough things get.

10449230 10154176453455251 1642163042 o
Finally, Nikki is
continously working on ways to make her business better. I am a graduate from a
program called Materials and Operations Management. One of our core principles
are Demings 14 points; which includes “improve constantly and forever the
system of service.” From constantly tweaking her website to looking at
different ways to provide a welcome package, she always wants to make the
wedding experience something you will never forget. More importantly, what she
does now isn’t enough. It’s never good enough, when in reality, it’s amazing.
I’m always  stunned at how far she’s come
and the plans she has for the near future. Keep reading the blog to see what
she has around the corner!
2014 10 06 20. 07. 43

In closing, here are a few things you probably didn’t know
about Nicole:

  • She took Auto Shop in high school (if you know
    anything about me, how can I not love that?)
  • She can’t eat anything with cilantro without
    tasting soap (apparently its genetic)
  • She watches Top Gear with me every week (and
    loves it!)
  • She is so cute when she has a pony tail (I mean
    seriously how can you not resist?)
  • She was offered a horse named Balzano for free
    but couldn’t afford board at the time (one of her biggest regrets)
  • She can master just about anything in a
    heartbeat (she even played the french horn but quickly got bored)
  • She took sailing lessons from yours truly @ LDSC (and kicked butt!) 
find me on…


ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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