Brett Kissel Canada Day Kanata 204322


Canada Day

July 2, 2015


Live country music AND fireworks? You can pretty much guarantee that’s where I’ll be. Canada Day is always that. It was a hard decision this year, there were so many big names in the Capital!

– Blackwell Band & Leah Daniels were in Barrhaven, and I’ve seen Blackwell before.
Gord Bamford & Andee were downtown on Parliament Hill. I saw Andee in Barbados and she rocked it.
Jordan McIntosh joined Brett Kissel in Kanata. I’ve seen both of them before. Yet they still won for me. These boys are the sweetest.

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If you’ve seen either of these guys perform alone, you know they’re awesome. For those who have never seen them perform together, they’re SO much fun. When you follow country music as deeply as I do, it’s so fun to see how close friends Jordan & Brett actually are. I’m so excited they have the chance to go on tour together (again) & hoping they bring the show back to Ottawa.

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Amanda Kingsland of Country 101.1

I worked for the Perth Fair photographing Brett Kissel back in 2013 when pretty much the only song the crowd new was Started With A Song. That was the hit that brought him to the public eye, coincidently, it did start with a song. I remember the entire show the crowd was chanting for him to play it. Brett jokes, “hey guys, I know how this performing thing works, you know I’m saving that song for last?!” I was trying to find that show just now, how did I not blog it?! Such a cutie, I can’t even count the number of photos that I have from that show that he smiled for the camera. He knows how to rock it.

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Brett Kissel at the Perth Fair in 2013

Jordan, I had been trying to get out to see for so long now. Ottawa (well, Carleton Place) boy and I still hadn’t seen him yet?! I finally had the chance too when he opened for (other homegrown girl) Kira Isabella and Dallas Smith back in January of this year. Did he ever blow my socks off for just an acoustic show! I will forever see this boy as much as I can because I’m so proud of how much he works his butt off to get where he’s going. Not that a lot of other people don’t, but it’s so humbling to see it from the ground level up starting from his home town.

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Canada Day in Kanata they both rocked it some more. I always love hearing live covers too, I find that so cool. I loved hearing Jordan cover Uptown Funk again. And Brett covering Shut Up And Dance? LOVE! I genuinely hope to see these two together again. Thanks for the epic show again boys. I want to get into concert photography more, because I absolutely love it, probably as much as I do weddings! If anyone’s looking for a concert photographer, let me in on it! ;)

And for anyone who knows me, I can’t resist fireworks. Thank you so much to my boy for still taking me out when he was exhausted from work.  

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Surprise appearance from Charlie Major
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Here are some shots from Brett Kissel back at the Perth Fair in 2013!
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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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