On Friday, I had the beauty of witnessing Canada’s first Day of Honour as a celebration of the troops coming home from Afghanistan. I personally don’t know a whole lot about Canada’s history and the military (and I’m learning as we go) but it is so important to my boyfriend and his family that I make it a priority to see and do these things.
My favourite photo of the day. Perfect time, perfect place. A soldier standing on his LAV next to the Peace Tower. |
On top of this, I am a Canadian and I live in his beautiful country that all of these people lay down their lives for. The least, and really least I can do is say thank you for that.
The last flag flown in Afghanistan, carried in a baton specially built for it. |
Here are some of my photos from the lovely parade that went on. Thanks for everyone who came out and stood out in what debated looking like ran.
My boyfriend checking out the inside of a LAV. |