Elise Newborn 0007


Élise’s 1st Month

August 11, 2020


Elise Newborn 0007

Oh my goodness, how has a whole month gone by already?! It’s crazy to see her grow in leaps and bounds as she has already, but also a little sad to be “leaving behind” my tiny baby! Definitely not ready for Max to go back to work either. Just wanted to leave a little update to remember all of the adorable little things that are happening at this stage of her life.

• Our little lovey has even more hair than she did at birth, if that’s even possible
• She started turning on her side at a crazy 3 weeks young
• The amount of baby dinosaur noises she makes is unreal; she’s definitely a very vocal little girl
• We’re already fighting being swaddled and wanting our arms free, but struggling with startle reflex at the same time
• And the face scratches, child needs to be wearing mittens all of the time or she wouldn’t have a face
• The cutest “baby bird face” that she makes when she’s hungry
• Only dropped 4% of her birth weight (allowed to be up to 10% without concern)
• Gained almost 2 lbs in her 4 weeks of life

Thanks Amy Pinder for taking these beautiful photos while she was still super little!

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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