Oh my goodness, how has a whole month gone by already?! It’s crazy to see her grow in leaps and bounds as she has already, but also a little sad to be “leaving behind” my tiny baby! Definitely not ready for Max to go back to work either. Just wanted to leave a little update to remember all of the adorable little things that are happening at this stage of her life.
• Our little lovey has even more hair than she did at birth, if that’s even possible
• She started turning on her side at a crazy 3 weeks young
• The amount of baby dinosaur noises she makes is unreal; she’s definitely a very vocal little girl
• We’re already fighting being swaddled and wanting our arms free, but struggling with startle reflex at the same time
• And the face scratches, child needs to be wearing mittens all of the time or she wouldn’t have a face
• The cutest “baby bird face” that she makes when she’s hungry
• Only dropped 4% of her birth weight (allowed to be up to 10% without concern)
• Gained almost 2 lbs in her 4 weeks of life
Thanks Amy Pinder for taking these beautiful photos while she was still super little!