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Celina + Matt

November 17, 2015


When I say “love knows,” I’m not just writing about one of my couples. I am a true believer in fate and whatever will be, will be. Matt and Celina met online, like many do these days. They hit it off so well online, they planned to meet for the first time a little last minute, because they didn’t want to wait until after the holidays. So they met December 23rd of last year. Matt’s sister mentioned to them about not rushing into things, but when you look at Celina and Matt now, you can tell things aren’t rushed. They just fell perfectly into place in a timely manner. 

There’s a huge difference between being high school sweethearts and slowly developing into something beautiful. That’s it’s own type of romantic. There’s something else to be said for people who are at an age that they want life to start right now, meet someone, and they aren’t the only ones that realize it’s meant to be right away. She beams around him, and that emulates through each and every photo that went by during this stunning sunrise that I spent with them. I can’t wait to see the look on each their faces when they see each other for the first time on their wedding day in July.

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  1. Leslie Ann says:

    Such a cute couple!! That sunrise shot color is beautiful!

  2. WOW! That sunset shot is pretty amazing! Lovely images!

  3. Jill says:

    Beautiful fall images!!! :)

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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