A spring canadian tulip festival engagement session in ottawa


Amy + Christopher

May 17, 2018


Bright and early (early like 4 am alarm) I left the house and headed downtown to meet Amy + Christopher. Chris emailed me a while back looking to book their engagement session while visiting Ottawa. This was originally suppose to be the proposal, but he just wouldn’t wait any longer!

Chris and Amy met in 2009 working at a country club in Dallas, Texas. They had known each other four years before they started dating. When he finally asked her out, years later, he took her for sushi. When they stuck out the duration of his law school, long distance on top of that, that’s when she knew he was the one.

One day in March, he was at work when he decided he couldn’t wait until their May Ottawa trip. Him & Amy’s best friend ran all over town getting flowers, vases and candles. Her friend lured her to the perfect spot where she looked up to see Christopher in front of the fire place with tons of fun flowers, where he asked her to marry him.

The sun seemed to rise just for them that morning. Just the perfect cadence coming up over the horizon as we wandered Majors Hill Park. It was a chilly 6°C that morning, but Chris thought it was a nice change coming from 37°C back from in Texas.. Amy on the other hand, held tight to him to keep warm in her dress. At least it was a super short walk from their stay at the Château Laurier.

Sunrise isn’t for everyone, but that gorgeous, clean, pure light is like nothing else. Sometimes that early wakeup call is really worth it. Somehow their height difference made EVERY pose work!! Christopher and Amy will tie the knot* next May in Dallas! Thanks for the fun morning you guys!!

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At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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