Sweet Summer Park Engagement


Heidi + William

September 6, 2018


Sweet Summer Park Engagement

Heidi and William met during their first year at Redeemer University, but their first date wasn’t until just before the start of their third year. It was one heck of a first date though, coming in from out of town to walk around the Byward Market, grab Beavertails and go to a movie after a restaurant. Is that an Ottawa date night or what?!

She knew she wanted to be with him forever, but somehow the proposal still caught her off guard! He had mentioned the thought of proposing after her graduation, so she assumed it wouldn’t be for a while. But one day in February, they went for a hike to a waterfall and right there atop a cute bridge over running water, he got down on one knee.

These two probably have a busier schedule than even I do lately! They are back and forth from school, Ottawa & PEI where they are headed until the wedding back here in Ancaster! Between them all over the country and my wedding planning, we managed to squeeze in this adorable Mooney’s Bay engagement session! Can’t wait for their big day in May!

  1. Kayla Willock says:

    I love these pictures they are so pretty!
    You are a beautiful girl Heidi and I’m so happy for you two❤ ???????? love from Cousin Kayla Willock

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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