Chilly winter engagement 0016


Raechel + Dane

February 19, 2019


Chilly winter engagement 0016

They met at the Starbucks on the corner of Elgin and Laurier November of 2016, but it was closed. This is actually not the first time I’ve heard that story, it’s oddly often that this particular Starbucks is closed; super weird. But they then proceeded to Zoe’s Cafe at the Chateau Laurier, where they talked for what they both describe felt like hours. Just one of those people where you can make conversation with instantly and effortlessly.

What came two years later is the cute, unique part. After what I’m sure was a multitude of traveling for two years, as Dane is a politician based in Alberta, Raechel was arriving in Edmonton from Ottawa for Christmas. Dane picked her up at the arrivals gate with flowers and a sign that said, “Marry me?” Now that’s quite the proposal, and probably one of the most memorable Christmases ever!

None of us could have ever imagined it would be as cold as it was. It was a beautiful, sunny February afternoon. The weather channel said it was 2°C. Perfect. Did it feel like 2°C? Most definitely not! I’m surprised we stayed out shooting as long as we did! These two were true Canadian troopers in the cold!

This sweet couple will be tying the knot* this August!

  1. Cindy-Lou Hyde says:

    May the sparkle in your eyes and the love you share today carry you through your life journey together. May the Lord richly bless you.
    Love Nan and Pop

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At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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