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Streamline Your Blogging and Social Media with CoSchedule

February 18, 2020


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A while back, I posted about the wonder I found called CoSchedule and how I had planned to use it. Almost four years later, I thought I’d check in to post on some things that I do or don’t do with it, along with many features they’ve added since then!

If you’re new around here, this one’s for the bloggers, entrepreneurs and business people out there! This paid app, called CoSchedule, is a plugin that can be added to your WordPress blog to help you visually manage your posts, along with your social media promotion, email newsletters, projects, or anything you have going on. You can also add events, if you need to see events that are happening around the times that you are looking to send blog posts out.

As I mentioned in the last post, I try to keep my paid subscriptions to a minimum, but this one is totally worth it for me. I truly believe that I wouldn’t have kept up half as much with my wedding season blogging as I have been since this has been implemented in my life. It makes it so easy to write and insert my images within WordPress as normal, but then not sigh and stress about having to go a million places to promote it. From within the blog post itself that I am writing, I can schedule posts to go out to whichever social medias I have connected, selecting the best date and time for them. CoSchedule is also smart and you can let it decide what is the best time to post it, based on it’s learning technology and interaction from your previous posts to that social media platform. You can schedule it to post multiple times on each platform, on multiple days, depending how you like to market! You can even preview how it looks on each social media.

Previously when I would blog a wedding for my usual Wedding Tuesday, I would have to get on the computer every Tuesday morning to do the rounds. Post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest….ust to make sure that the post was seen! I have been able to relax Tuesday mornings since using CoSchedule because all of that post scheduling was done when I finished writing the post. I just have to check in occasionally during the week to engage with readers that commented on the blog post or on social media!

Depending on the level of subscription that you have with them, they also have a re-posting platform that can automatically circulate and repost your best performing content so that it’s seen again and again.

You can even use CoSchedule to schedule social media content that isn’t connected to a blog post; it’s the easiest all-in-one spot to do so! I love this, because as a creative, I find it difficult to come up with post ideas and captions on the spot. This allows me to go on creative binges when I have them and separate them appropriately, rather than binge posting everything at once.

Their platform also provides you with feedback and stats on how your posts and content is doing. You can assign tasks for posts and events, and even assign them to different people if you have a team of multiple people working on different things.

If you have any questions on what CoSchedule may be able to do for you, feel free to comment or email me! They have free trials available as well so it’s a risk-free try! I promise, if you’re a blogger in any capacity, this will save you SO much time!

  1. Jen says:

    Oooo, thanks for sharing!!! I’ve never heard of CoSchedule…

  2. Tasha says:

    Super cool, I will definitely have to look into this!

  3. Brittany says:

    Thank you so much for this blog post!! I’ve been looking for ways to better cross market and promote!

  4. Ashley K says:

    Wow this sounds so neat! I’m gonna give it a try!!

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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