Showit 5 blog


New Blog

December 12, 2016


If you’ve been reading this blog, you’ll see that I’ve semi-recently released this new blog design!! I’ve been meaning to write this post about building a new blog for a while now, but I’ve been so picky building both my new blog and website, that I haven’t been 100% confident to advertise it!! Max keeps saying that he loves it so I’m trying to throw myself out there! I’m still working on redoing my main website (almost done!!) but just to show you how picky I am, I was let into the Showit 5 beta testers in DECEMBER!!! A whole year ago!! That’s how long I’ve been working on this!!! It is a big learning curve but I absolutely love that the blog will now match the website! This alone is a vast improvement from my old Blogger design! (see first image)

Before this, I had been scouting for a long time for someone who could help me design the blog theme I dreamed of. I didn’t want to pay $2,000 and any smaller web designers either couldn’t understand what I wanted to do or didn’t know enough web developing to do so. Before now, I was pretty self-taught in web design and HTML, but Showit made it perfectly easy to amalgamate the two! One of my favourite pieces is my self-coded custom WordPress widget and custom WordPress taxonomies to help you search within all the weddings; by colour, season, vendor, designer…etc!! It also makes the “recommended posts you would like” section under each post so much more accurate to what else you actually may like!!

Thanks for reading, whether it’s your first time here or you come here weekly! I’d love to read your comments on what you think! Stay tuned for the release of the full website!

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ABOUT Nicole

At home wherever my babies are. Adventures wherever my husband takes me. Excitement whenever weddings are involved.

Mama, wedding photographer, creative, entrepreneur, tech geek, cat lover. There were no other options, no backup plan. From the tender age of fifteen, I knew I needed to create; art and family.




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